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Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:22 pm
by Falco Girgis
Whoops, I accidently didn't remove the Player::CheckLevelUp() and Player::LevelUp(). The only thing they do is really nothing unless you push the L trigger in this source. So ignore please :)

Main file:

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//this is needed by KOS
#define _arch_dreamcast
#include <kos.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>
#include "DCTile.h"

//screen dimensions
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;

//Create instance of class player
Player dude;

//how much an object gets pulled down per frame
float Gravity = 0.38;
//array holding map data (0 or 1 for now)
int map[20][15];
//Create 3 bullets that may be shot
Bullet bullet[3];

#include "gun.cpp"
#include "quad.cpp"
#include "vmu.cpp"

int main() {
    vid_set_mode(DM_640x480, PM_RGB565); 
    cont_btn_callback(0, CONT_START | CONT_A | CONT_B | CONT_X | CONT_Y, (void (*)(unsigned char, long  unsigned int))arch_exit);
	//Init player
    dude.m_x = (3*32);
    dude.m_y = (10*32);
    dude.m_dir = 1;

	//clear map array
    for(int x=0; x<=19; x++)
        for(int y=0; y<=14; y++)
            map[x][y] = 0;

    //put some solids into the map array
    for(int x=0; x<=19; x++)
        map[x][0] = 1;
        map[x][1] = 1;
        map[x][12] = 1;
        map[x][13] = 1;
        map[x][14] = 1;
    //add some more solids yo
    map[0][9] = 1;
    map[0][10] = 1;
    map[0][11] = 1;
    map[12][6] = 1;
    map[13][6] = 1;
    map[14][6] = 1;
    map[15][6] = 1;
    map[16][6] = 1;
	/*map[5][6] = 1;
    map[6][6] = 1;
    map[7][6] = 1;
    map[8][6] = 1;*/
	map[16][6] = 1;
    map[17][11] = 1;
    map[18][11] = 1;
    for(int y=0; y<15; y++)
        map[19][y] = 1;
    //take out some tiles yo
    map[8][12] = 0;
    map[9][12] = 0;
    map[10][12] = 0;
    map[11][12] = 0;
    map[12][12] = 0;


	while(1) {
		//move dude in persective of velocities
        if(MoveVertical(dude.m_yvel,dude.m_x,dude.m_y,0,32,0,64) == 1)
        { dude.m_jump = false; }

        //simulate gravity (probably should be in jump function later)
        dude.m_yvel = (dude.m_yvel + Gravity);

        //simulate friction
        if(dude.m_xvel < 0) { dude.m_xvel = (dude.m_xvel + Gravity); }
        if(dude.m_xvel > 0) { dude.m_xvel = (dude.m_xvel - Gravity); } 

        //sorry, can't jump while falling :D
        if(dude.m_yvel > 1) { dude.m_jump = true; }
	return 0;

void DrawFrame() {
    pvr_list_begin(PVR_LIST_OP_POLY); // Non-transparent graphics 

    pvr_list_begin(PVR_LIST_TR_POLY); // Transparent graphics



void DrawMap() {
    //draw the map
    for(int x=0; x<=19; x++)
        for(int y=0; y<=14; y++)
            if(map[x][y] == 1)
                //Draw dark box for tile
				draw_tr_quad(x*32 + 16, y*32, 1, 32, 32, 1, 256-1, 256-255, 256-1);

				//Draw lighter outline
				draw_tr_quad((x*32)+1 + 16, (y*32)+1, 2, 30, 30, 1, 256-1, 256-180, 256-1);

void GetInput() {
    cont_cond_t cond; 

	 if(!(cond.buttons & CONT_A)){
         //if we are not currently jumping, and A wasn't held
         if((dude.m_jump == false) && (dude.m_letgo == true)) {
             //set some vars
             dude.m_letgo = false;
             dude.m_jump = true;

             //at this point, we could put in an if statement to see if dude
             //is moving fast enough to jump higer.. but not right now.
             dude.m_jumptimer = 8;

             //make dude bounce into action
             dude.m_yvel = -4.5;
     else {
         //if dude isn't going up or down, reset letgo to true
         if(abs((int)dude.m_yvel) < 1) dude.m_letgo = true; 
         //reset the jumptimer to 0
         dude.m_jumptimer = 0;

    //if we are currently jumping
    if((dude.m_jump == true) && (dude.m_jumptimer > 0)) {
        //adjust velocity for life
        dude.m_yvel = dude.m_yvel - 1;
        //decrease the jump timer

    if(!(cond.buttons & CONT_DPAD_LEFT)) {
        dude.m_xvel = (dude.m_xvel - 1);
		dude.m_dir = 0;
	if(cond.joyx < 40){
        dude.m_xvel = (dude.m_xvel - 1);
		dude.m_dir = 0;
    if(!(cond.buttons & CONT_DPAD_RIGHT)) {
        dude.m_xvel = (dude.m_xvel + 1);
		dude.m_dir = 1;
	if(cond.joyx > 215){
        dude.m_xvel = (dude.m_xvel + 1);
	    dude.m_dir = 1;
	if(cond.rtrig > 100) {
        if(dude.m_canshoot == true) {
		    Shoot((int)dude.m_x, (int)dude.m_y, dude.m_dir);
            dude.m_canshoot = false;

	if(cond.rtrig < 100)
		dude.m_canshoot = true;

	if(cond.ltrig > 100) dude.LevelUp();

	if(!(cond.buttons & CONT_Y))

void Friction() {
    //keep dude from going left or right to fast
    if(abs((int)dude.m_xvel) > 3) {
        //if velocity less then 0
        if(dude.m_xvel < 0) {
            dude.m_xvel = (-3);
        else {
            dude.m_xvel = (3);

    //keep dude from going up or down to fast
    if(abs((int)dude.m_yvel) > 6){
        //if velocity less then 0
        if(dude.m_yvel < 0) {
            dude.m_yvel = (-6);


void DrawPlayer() {
	draw_tr_quad((int)dude.m_x + 16, (int)dude.m_y + 16, 1, 32, 64, 1, 256-1, 256-140, 256-255);
    draw_tr_quad((int)dude.m_x+1 + 16, (int)dude.m_y+1 + 16, 2, 30, 62, 1, 256-1, 256-1, 256-255);

int MoveHorizontal(float& p_xvel, float& p_x, float& p_y, int p_left, int p_right, int p_top, int p_bottom)
    for(int i=1; i<=abs( (int)p_xvel ); i++ )
        //temporarily define the object's bounderies
        int BoundLeft   = ((int)p_x + p_left);
        int BoundRight  = ((int)p_x + p_right-1);
        int BoundTop    = ((int)p_y + p_top);
        int BoundBottom = ((int)p_y + p_bottom-1);

        //set temp Move = true? vars to false
        bool MoveLeft = false;
        bool MoveRight = false;

        //loop from boundtop to boundbottom (replace loop with mar's idea!)
        for(int Point=BoundTop; Point<=BoundBottom; Point++)
            //if object going left
            if(p_xvel < 0)
                //if object's left bound minus 1 is in a solid tile
                if(map[ (BoundLeft-1)/32 ][ (Point)/32 ] == 1)
                    //set the object's xvel to 0 and return with -1
                    p_xvel = 0;
                    return -1;
                    //set the MoveLeft var to true
                    MoveLeft = true;

            //if object going right
            if(p_xvel > 0)
                //if object's right bound plus 1 is in a solid tile
                if(map[ (BoundRight+1)/32 ][ (Point)/32 ] == 1)
                    //set the object's xvel to 0 and return with 1
                    p_xvel = 0;
                    return 1;
                    //set the MoveRight var to true
                    MoveRight = true;
        //if the Move vars are now true, adjust the x values
        if(MoveLeft == true) { p_x = p_x - 1; }
        if(MoveRight == true) { p_x = p_x + 1; }

        //if the object has gone out of array bounds, push it back on
        if(p_x < 0) { p_x = 0; p_xvel = 0; }
        if(p_x > 640) { p_x = 640; p_xvel = 0; }    //replace 20*32 with map height var/function

    //if no solids were hit at all, return 0
    return 0;

//MoveVertical() - moves thing based on velocity
//returns -1 if top boundry hits a solid
// 1 if bottom boundry hits a solid
// 0 if no collision detected in move
int MoveVertical(float& p_yvel, float& p_x, float& p_y, int p_left, int p_right, int p_top, int p_bottom)
    for(int i=1; i<=abs( (int)p_yvel ); i++ )
        //temporarily define the object's bounderies
        int BoundLeft   = ((int)p_x + p_left);
        int BoundRight  = ((int)p_x + p_right-1);
        int BoundTop    = ((int)p_y + p_top);
        int BoundBottom = ((int)p_y + p_bottom-1);

        //set temp Move = true? vars to false
        bool MoveUp = false;
        bool MoveDown = false;

        //loop from boundleft to boundright (replace loop with mar's idea!)
        for(int Point=BoundLeft; Point<=BoundRight; Point++)
            //if object going up
            if(p_yvel < 0)
                //if object's top bound minus 1 is in a solid tile
                if(map[ (Point)/32 ][ (BoundTop-1)/32 ] == 1)
                    //set the object's yvel to 0 and return with -1
                    p_yvel = 0;
                    return -1;
                    //set the MoveUp var to true
                    MoveUp = true;

            //if object going down
            if(p_yvel > 0)
                //if object's bottom bound plus 1 is in a solid tile
                if(map[ (Point)/32 ][ (BoundBottom+1)/32 ] == 1)
                    //set the object's yvel to 0 and return with 1
                    p_yvel = 0;
                    return 1;
                    //set the MoveDown var to true
                    MoveDown = true;
        //if the Move vars are now true, adjust the y values
        if(MoveUp == true) { p_y = p_y - 1; }
        if(MoveDown == true) { p_y = p_y + 1; }

        //if the object has gone out of array bounds, push it back on
        if(p_y < 0) { p_y = 0; p_yvel = 0; }
        if(p_y > 15*32) { p_y = 15*32; p_yvel = 0; }    //replace 15*32 with map height var/function

    //if no solids were hit at all, return 0
    return 0;

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// Function Prototypes
void DrawFrame();
void Friction();
void DrawMap();
void DrawPlayer();
void GetInput();
int MoveHorizontal(float& p_xvel, float& p_x, float& p_y, int p_left, int p_right, int p_top, int p_bottom);
int MoveVertical(float& p_yvel, float& p_x, float& p_y, int p_left, int p_right, int p_top, int p_bottom);
void Shoot(int x, int y, bool dir);
void UpdateBullets();
void draw_tr_quad(int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, int a, int r, int g, int b);
void SetVMU();

// Classes
class Player {
    //general movement
    float m_x, m_y;
    float m_xvel, m_yvel;

    bool m_jump;
    bool m_letgo;       //keeps track if the user is holding down space
	bool m_canshoot;    //keeps track if the user can shoot
    bool m_dir;
    float m_jumptimer;

	int level, exp;
	int attack, defense, hp;
	int avgbattle_time, avgbattle_hits;

    Player() {
        m_x = 0;
        m_y = 0;
        m_xvel = 0;
        m_yvel = 0;
        m_jump = false;
        m_letgo = true;
        m_jumptimer = 0;
		m_canshoot = true;
		level = 0;
		exp = 0;
		attack = 5;
		defense = 5;
		hp = 10;
		avgbattle_time = 0;
		avgbattle_hits = 0;

	void CheckLevelUp() {
		if(exp >= 100+(25*level)) LevelUp();

	void LevelUp() {
		unsigned short int hp_base = 0, attack_base = 0, defense_base = 0, hp_bonus = 0, attack_bonus = 0, defense_bonus = 0; 
		//base stat increases
		hp_base      += rand()%2 + 1;
		attack_base  += rand()%2 + 1;
		defense_base += rand()%2 + 1;

		printf("Hp base: %d\nAttack base: %d\nDefense base: %d\n", hp_base, attack_base, defense_base);

		//bonus stat increases
		if(avgbattle_hits == 0) hp_bonus += 3;
		if(avgbattle_hits > 0 && avgbattle_hits < 3) hp_bonus += 2;
		if(avgbattle_hits > 2 && avgbattle_hits < 5) hp_bonus++;
		if(avgbattle_time > 0 && avgbattle_time < 601) attack_bonus += 3;
		if(avgbattle_time > 600 && avgbattle_time < 1561) attack_bonus += 2;
		if(avgbattle_time > 1560 && avgbattle_time < 2101) attack_bonus++;

        defense_bonus = rand()%hp_bonus + 1;

        printf("Hp bonus: %d\nAttack bonus: %d\nDefense bonus: %d\n", hp_bonus, attack_bonus, defense_bonus);

		exp = 0;

class Bullet { 
    int x; 
    int y; 
    bool active; 
    int direction;
Vmu.cpp (VMU drawage)

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void SetVMU() {
    static const char vmu[] = {

    uint8 logo_bits[48*32/8]; // Setting VMU dimensions (48x32)
	int x, y;

	for (y=0; y<32; y++) {
		for (x=0; x<48/8; x++) {
			logo_bits[y*48/8 + x] = vmu[(31-y)*48/8 + ((48/8 - 1) - x)];
Gun stuff (same as SDL, it actually started on the DC shooter first.)

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void Shoot(int x, int y, bool dir) {
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        if(bullet[i].active == false) {
            bullet[i].active = true;
            bullet[i].x = x;
            bullet[i].y = y + 20;
			bullet[i].direction = dir;

void UpdateBullets() {
	for(int a=0; a<3; a++) { 
		if(bullet[a].active) {
			if(bullet[a].direction == 0) bullet[a].x -= 14; // Left
			if(bullet[a].direction == 1) bullet[a].x += 14; // Right 

			draw_tr_quad(bullet[a].x, bullet[a].y - 16, 5, 4, 4, 1, 256-255, 256-1, 256-1);

            if(bullet[a].x < 0 || bullet[a].x > 640 || bullet[a].y < 0 || bullet[a].y > 480) {
                bullet[a].active = false;
                for(int Point = bullet[a].y; Point < bullet[a].y+4; Point++){
                    if(map[ (bullet[a].x)/32 ][ (Point)/32 ] == 1) {
						map[ (bullet[a].x)/32 ][ (Point)/32 ] = 0;
						bullet[a].active = false;
I'm sure you'll have BOATLOADS of questions. May as well ask away...

GAH! I forgot the main part that you need to see. The untextured quad drawing function with the PVR:

Code: Select all

void draw_tr_quad(int x, int y, int z, int w, int h, int a, int r, int g, int b) { 
	pvr_poly_cxt_t cxt; 
	pvr_poly_hdr_t hdr; 
	pvr_vertex_t vert; 
	vert.argb = PVR_PACK_COLOR(a,r,g,b);    
	vert.oargb = 0; 
	vert.flags = PVR_CMD_VERTEX; 
	vert.x = x-(w/2); 
	vert.y = y-(h/2); 
	vert.z = z; 
	vert.x = x+(w/2); 
	vert.y = y-(h/2); 
	vert.z = z;
	vert.x = x-(w/2); 
	vert.y = y+(h/2); 
	vert.z = z; 
	vert.x = x+(w/2); 
	vert.y = y+(h/2); 
	vert.z = z; 
	vert.flags = PVR_CMD_VERTEX_EOL; 

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:36 am
by JS Lemming
Why is that one header file called DCTile.h???

This power of 2 image limitation is clearly a big deal. Ok, we need to put our heads together to think of a way around this... Can you show me code to load an image? Wait, is the problem that you can't load images that aren't power of 2 or can you just not draw images that aren't pow2?

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:53 am
by Tvspelsfreak
It's a hardware limitation.
It has to be power of 2 as you load it but you can display it as any size you want. This isn't a problem if you're gonna splice images.
It's not even much of a problem without splicing either since you can just make the bg transparent.

The only thing to remember is that you can only load pow2 images. After that it's up to you.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 2:39 pm
by Falco Girgis
Dude, don't freak out. 16x16, 32x32, 32x64, that's all stuff we'd of used anyway. You can scale them to whatever you like. It's no big deal.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:11 pm
by JS Lemming
GyroVorbis wrote:Dude, don't freak out. 16x16, 32x32, 32x64, that's all stuff we'd of used anyway. You can scale them to whatever you like. It's no big deal.
But a simple tileset is like 128x(some huge number), so we wouln't be able to load it. The image splicing is done after the image is loaded, so that wouldn't help. I don't understand, show me how you would load a 128x416 tileset like the mario one!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:53 am
by Tvspelsfreak
JS Lemming wrote:
GyroVorbis wrote:Dude, don't freak out. 16x16, 32x32, 32x64, that's all stuff we'd of used anyway. You can scale them to whatever you like. It's no big deal.
But a simple tileset is like 128x(some huge number), so we wouln't be able to load it. The image splicing is done after the image is loaded, so that wouldn't help. I don't understand, show me how you would load a 128x416 tileset like the mario one!
Enlarge it to 128x512.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:46 am
by Falco Girgis
Tvspelsfreak wrote:
JS Lemming wrote:
GyroVorbis wrote:Dude, don't freak out. 16x16, 32x32, 32x64, that's all stuff we'd of used anyway. You can scale them to whatever you like. It's no big deal.
But a simple tileset is like 128x(some huge number), so we wouln't be able to load it. The image splicing is done after the image is loaded, so that wouldn't help. I don't understand, show me how you would load a 128x416 tileset like the mario one!
Enlarge it to 128x512.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:30 am
by JS Lemming
That doesn't seem logical and it won't work. The location of the tiles in the image are vital and would we lost if we expanded the image. We need away around this. Why would hardware effect how an image is loaded???

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:57 am
by Tvspelsfreak
JS Lemming wrote:That doesn't seem logical and it won't work. The location of the tiles in the image are vital and would we lost if we expanded the image. We need away around this. Why would hardware effect how an image is loaded???
I didn't mean you should scale the picture.
Just change the dimensions and make the last part transparent.

The Vram can only store pow2 textures and you can only send pow2 polygon headers to the PVR.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:54 pm
by Falco Girgis
Yeah, don't stretch the image, just make it bigger and keep the same size ratio with the tiles. Ignore the blank space not used by the tiles as well. What is the big problem here?

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:06 pm
by JS Lemming
Yeah, don't stretch the image, just make it bigger and keep the same size ratio with the tiles.
Gah! This is what I think you are tring to say.

The original set:

Code: Select all

And you mean to do this right? Add blank spaces?

Code: Select all

That will NOT work! The level data is ascociated with the location of the tiles in the image.... so where there should be the 7 tile it would display the 4 tile. Do you see what I mean?

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:59 pm
by MarauderIIC
JS Lemming wrote:
Gah! This is what I think you are tring to say.

The original set:

Code: Select all

And you mean to do this right? Add blank spaces?

Code: Select all

That will NOT work! The level data is ascociated with the location of the tiles in the image.... so where there should be the 7 tile it would display the 4 tile. Do you see what I mean?
But say, tile 5 is still row 2 column 2.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:27 am
by JS Lemming
But its not, the tiles don't have extra data telling thier old coords.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:05 pm
by Falco Girgis
Okay, JSL. You've so totally lost me.

Coordinate 1,1 on a 20x20 coordinate plane is 1,1 on a 23421423423423x4324234234324234324234 coordinate plane.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:06 pm
by JS Lemming
GyroVorbis wrote:Okay, JSL. You've so totally lost me.

Coordinate 1,1 on a 20x20 coordinate plane is 1,1 on a 23421423423423x4324234234324234324234 coordinate plane.
Ooooookaaayyy... Right.... You don't know whay I'm talking about do you?

When the below is spliced and set into memory:

Code: Select all

it looks like this in memory:

Code: Select all

When the mutated (resized) image is spliced in (below)

Code: Select all

It looks like this in memory

Code: Select all

When a level is loaded, it asociates the values in the file with the index of the spliced array. So the level data in a way becomes corrupt.