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Gauntlet II: 4 player NES action!

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:31 am
by Falco Girgis
I remember the day when I waltzed to Rhino games one early early morning with Hyper Shadow. I found my dear beloved "Wrecking Crew" cart that I'd been searching for my whole life. Along with it, we decided to buy Rampage so that we'd get a free game (Buy 2 get one free). Well, we got Rampage and Wrecking Crew, and the free game that we chose was Gauntlet II.

We got it home, and the game was alright. I mean, nothing too special. You're 2 guys running around trying to get to the highest level possible. There are like a billion levels though. So we said "cool" and kinda shuffled it to the side.

Now, I got some money for getting good grades on my report card. I waltzed back to Rhino yesterday and I saw something very interesting and decided to buy it:
NES "fourscore"

I decided hey, may as well buy another control or so for t3h NES so that we can play 4 player. I got these bad boys as well:

NES "advantage"
and some random controller.

Anyway, I got those things home. My friend Drakor was here. We decided to bust out that Gauntlet game that we sorta brushed to the side. I swear, four player makes all of the difference.

The simple push B to shoot 2 player thing became a 4 player strategy/party game. We could of played that all night long. The game is so long too, so that's hours of fun for 4 people.

I'm amazed. I never thought the NES could actually be fun playing 4 player. I was wrong though, I'd rather play that 4 player than almost any multiplayer game on market. That's just freaking amazing.

Here are some screenz of Gauntlet II just in case you're asking yourself: "WTF?"

It seems as though the poor fool who took these screenshots had no NES fourscore :nono:

Yeah, that might look a little lame to the typical, naive mind. But TRUST me, this game is a drug when used four player.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:08 pm
by JS Lemming
Heh, looks like that site you jacked those shots from is pretty smart.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:14 pm
by Falco Girgis
Haha. :lol:

Here, at least see t3h fourscore:

Look at that beauty. It also serves as an NES extension cord, unlike the substandard PS2 multitap (why the hell should a 128-bit console even require a multitap?) this offers lengthened cord and awesome looks.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:15 pm
by Falco Girgis
If you guys know of ANY other four player NES game, let me know. I know there are actually quite a few out there amongst us, and I really want to get some 8-bit party action going...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:18 pm
by Drakor

i did a litttle searching.....and found a almost complete list of all 2+player NES games!!!!! (1 or 2 3 moslty all 4!!!)

check it!!------->

ES Game

action football
Bomberman II
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat
(Camerica racing game)
Gauntlet II :twisted:
Golf Power (Greg Norman)
Harlem Globetrotters
Kings of the Beach
Magic Johnson's Fast Break
Monster Truck Rally
Nightmare on Elm Street :twisted:
Off Road
Play Action Football
Quattro Sports (BMX game)
R.C. Pro-Am II
Roundball: 2 on 2 Challenge
Smash TV
Super Jeopardy
Super Off Road
Super Spike V'Ball
Super Spike/World Cup...
Swords and Serpents :twisted:
World Cup Soccer


Woeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeooo!! till the marrow

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:23 am
by Falco Girgis
Holy crap dude!

:bow: :worship:

UMFIG! BomberMan 2 is 4 player?! This is going to be so freaking fun. I'm definately getting that, and I heard some really good things about NightMare on Elm Street.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:23 pm
by Wutai
Earthbound Zero is for the NES, it has no multiplayer, but it's good.