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Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:48 pm
by Terranova3y2
Hey all,

I'm new to this community here so I thought I'd start off by introducing myself. I'm Simon aka Terranova3y2, I came on to this forum via Gyro's youtube channel which I've been watching religiously lol and now have found Trufun202's channel to keep me occupied too. Its keeping me inspired to take part in games design. I'm going back to college this year to learn games design after working with as lead qa tester for a european games publisher and the wait is killing me so I want to start learning a programming language so I can be ahead of the crowd once I go back.

I learnt a bit of VB about 6 years ago but I've forgotten it now (which from what I've read on this forum will probably do me well) so I have a basic idea of the principles of programming but I wanted to ask all your opinions on which language I should attempt to learn first.

As far as I'm aware, I'll be learning Java in my first year at college and then moving on to C++ gradually.

My question to you is. Do you think that I should learn Java or C++ as my first language?

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:11 pm
by Maevik
Hi and welcome!

Sounds like you're coming here in the same place I was a few months ago. I think you'll like it here, as everyone is knowledgable and willing to help (so long as you don't use the community as a replacement for google of course.) And a lot of people have their own exciting projects as well.

As far a languages go, you're going to get mixed answers. A lot of people seem to think C++ is a bad place to start learning programming(It's much more complex/dificult than the higher languages, and it's a lot of power to be putting in the hands of noobs.) That being said, it's where I started, with no previous programming experience. The pluses being that it's the industry standard for game development, it's extremely powerful, you can program for virtually anything with it, and if you do master it, most other languages you pick up later will be a breeze.

As far a where to start...
Gyro's vids on getting started with game development is a good place to get an idea of what you're getting yourself into, and can also help you pick a language. ... 98&index=0

antiRTFM has some YouTube tutorials on C++ that I found really helpful. It's slow going, because he explains everything in detail, and is sure to repeat himself for clarity. It's a little boring but has quality content. ... 30FDCE7CE0

Project Euler! So freaking cool. It doesn't matter which language you choose, go to
It's put together by a bunch of wizards in some seven sided tower that is only visible when the shadow moon wanes, or some shit. Basically, it's a series of math challenges that are designed to be accomplished with programming. It should invoke what they call "inductive chain learning" Also, it's super addictive

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:24 pm
by Terranova3y2

Thanks for replying.

I've had a look at Gyro's getting started vids before, some good information and tips in them. I'll definitely be looking through antiRTFM's videos, I had a quick look at the first one and he seemed pretty good so I'll stick with him.

I've also heard from a few people that starting on C++ can turn into a nightmare, which is why I started this thread. I wasn't sure if it was a smart move or not. C++ is the industry standard for games programming so in my head at least it seems like the right place to start. I know though that it will be a fairly long time before I'm in any position to make a game using it but you have to start somewhere right?

Project Euler looks very interesting, I'm not strong with maths but it definitely seems like something that I will eventually be addicted to lol.

I'm going to go out and buy a book on C++ tomorrow so I have something in my hand to read.

I've heard that The C++ Primer is supposed to be a good one.

Any other ones you think I should be looking out for?

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:42 pm
by thejahooli
I started learning C++ with no previous programming experience and I found it fine

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:25 pm
by Terranova3y2
thejahooli wrote:I started learning C++ with no previous programming experience and I found it fine
How long have you been doing it now?

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:56 pm
by davidthefat
Im 15 and Im pretty decent with C++ as the fact Im self taught... :lol: Didnt get it until last year...

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:28 pm
by Terranova3y2

I'm hoping by after christmas this year I'll be at a point where I'm good enough to start thinking about making some games. Until then I'm happy with Hello World and other simplier things lol

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:23 pm
by CC Ricers
The only reason I started with C++ for game programming is because the syntax at first glance looked a lot like PHP, which I already use...

For a total beginner, C# or Python would be a better fit. Most of the nightmares dealing with C++ come with memory management, and the last two languages I mentioned mostly take care of this automatically.

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:55 pm
by thejahooli
Terranova3y2 wrote:
thejahooli wrote:I started learning C++ with no previous programming experience and I found it fine
How long have you been doing it now?
About 2 months. That said I haven't done many advanced topics so I don't know how difficult that goes. And the extent of my games is a near finished pong game which I'm doing now.
davidthefat wrote:Im 15 and Im pretty decent with C++ as the fact Im self taught... :lol: Didnt get it until last year...
Yeah. I'm 12 and I taught myself as well, theres not much choice for me.

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:06 pm
by Terranova3y2
CC Ricers wrote:The only reason I started with C++ for game programming is because the syntax at first glance looked a lot like PHP, which I already use...

For a total beginner, C# or Python would be a better fit. Most of the nightmares dealing with C++ come with memory management, and the last two languages I mentioned mostly take care of this automatically.
I've had a look at C# purely by my interest in XNA and I was going to give it a go but then when I found out that I would be using Java and C++ in college courses I settled on C++ to start with.

I'm not too familiar with Python but its nothing that google can't fix lol

thejahooli wrote: About 2 months. That said I haven't done many advanced topics so I don't know how difficult that goes. And the extent of my games is a near finished pong game which I'm doing now.
Ah cool. I'm going through antiRTFM's videos and have done my Hello World program, I'm going to start working on a small text game to practice using what I've learnt, so far I haven't had any trouble with it yet anyway.

Pong could probably be my next game so you'll have to let me know how it turns out lol

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:31 pm
by RyanPridgeon
Terranova3y2 wrote:Until then I'm happy with Hello World and other simplier things lol

You have the right idea. Make sure you learn most of the in's and out's of the language, especially most if not all of the syntax, before you start working with any APIs or libraries.

This includes functions, loops, arrays, classes, pointers (because alot of noobs skip this subject), memory management and some common OOP patterns.

Don't make the mistake of rushing in unarmed.

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:52 pm
by Terranova3y2
I started on my text game...its all gone horribly wrong lol.

I'm pretty sure it has to do with my stupid if statements.

I'm not going to let it bog me down though, I was only using it to practise on what I've learnt but I guess I better go back and look at those if statements again!

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:46 pm
by Maevik
Terranova3y2 wrote:I started on my text game...its all gone horribly wrong lol.

I'm pretty sure it has to do with my stupid if statements.

I'm not going to let it bog me down though, I was only using it to practise on what I've learnt but I guess I better go back and look at those if statements again!
Yeah, don't shy away from stuff that isn't working right (or at all.) You'll quickly find that the majority of learning happens when your shit is broken. Believe it or not, error messages are your friend.

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:12 pm
by Terranova3y2
Maevik wrote:
Terranova3y2 wrote:I started on my text game...its all gone horribly wrong lol.

I'm pretty sure it has to do with my stupid if statements.

I'm not going to let it bog me down though, I was only using it to practise on what I've learnt but I guess I better go back and look at those if statements again!
Yeah, don't shy away from stuff that isn't working right (or at all.) You'll quickly find that the majority of learning happens when your shit is broken. Believe it or not, error messages are your friend.
Yeah I remember that from when I was learning VB.

Problem with my text game so far is that it's not got any errors, its just a bug that has to do with whatever way I've structured the program. I'll probably rewrite it tomorrow and see what happens.

I'm up to episode 19 of antiRTFM's videos and you were right, its definitely slow going, feels more like a math course than anything so far, I have a fair understanding of everything covered so far though and I'll probably end up going back over the videos again once I get to the end.

Re: Where to start...I'm the new guy btw

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:11 pm
by Terranova3y2
Well the basics for my text game is complete. I think the problem before was the way I had it structured. I was seeing messages "in-game" that shouldn't have been there. I rewrote the game with a better structure and now its bug free :D

The game itself is actually terrible, I wouldn't force it on anyone but I decided to show the code here just to show my progress with C++

Code: Select all

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
	int menu_1 = 1; //Menu choice 1
	int menu_2 = 2;// Menu choice 2
	int playerInput; //Players input during game

	cout << "Welcome to my text game \n";
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "1.) Start Game\n";
	cout << "2.) Exit Game\n\n";
	cin >> playerInput;

	if (playerInput == menu_1) // Tests for players input
		cout << "\nLets Begin!\n\n";
		cout << "Thank you for playing.";
		return 0;

	cout << "You open your eyes, very groggy\n";
	cout << "and you have no idea where you are.\n";
	cout << "It is very dark, the only light source\n";
	cout << "is coming from a window.\n";
	cout << "\n";
	cout << "1.) Look out the window?\n";
	cout << "2.) Look around some more?\n\n";
	cin >> playerInput;

	if (playerInput == menu_1) // Tests for players input
		cout << "\nYou see what looks like a mansion,\n";
		cout << "surrounded by a misty forest.\n";
		cout << "\nAfter searching for hours you find nothing.\n";
		cout << "\nGAME OVER!\n\n";
		return 0;

	cout << "You see a ladder leading down.\n\n";
	cout << "1.) Climb down the ladder?\n";
	cout << "2.) Look in the room some more?\n\n";
	cin >> playerInput;

	if (playerInput == menu_1) // Tests for players input
		cout << "\nYou climb down the ladder into a narrow alley.\n";
		cout << "\nYou search for hours and find nothing.\n\n";
		cout << "GAME OVER!\n\n";
		return 0;

	cout << "\nThere are two exits from the alley.\n";
	cout << "\n1.)Take the North door?\n";
	cout << "2.)Take the South door?\n\n";
	cin >> playerInput;
	cout << "\n";

	if (playerInput == menu_2) // tests for players input
		cout << "You see something on the door frame\n";
		cout << "After searching for hours you find nothing. \n";
		cout << "\nGAME OVER!\n\n";
		return 0;

		cout << "\nA keypad is displaying 12 + 17 = ";
		cin >> playerInput;

		if (playerInput == 12 + 17) // tests if player answered correctly
			cout << "The door opens slowly and you enter\n";
			cout << "\nYou really suck at math\n";
			cout << "\nGAME OVER!\n";
			return 0;
		cout << "\nThank you for playing my text game.\n";
		cout << "\nMore will be added soon.\n";
		return 0;
I plan to add more things to the game as I learn them. (Health system, being able to restart after making a mistake, better story, multiple paths) but so far this is where I am.

I'm hoping that I'm structuring my programs well (please tell me if I'm not) and if you see anywhere I could improve it would be awesome.

I went out and bought a book on C++ yesterday and have been reading through it. I'm up to arrays and I get the general idea but now its talking about multidimensional arrays and I had to take a break.

P.S - Sorry for the double post, I thought it better to put it here than make a new thread.