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Stretch Panic(PS2)

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:26 pm
by Faust97
An alltime legend and one of the launch titles for PS2, I love this game, so I'll review it...entirely imparically!!!


From the creaters of Bangai-O for the DC, Stretch Panic is a wacky romp in a Dark Fantasy World. It's so crazy like Katamary Damacy(well..not THAT crazy) that you can't put it down.

Graphics=Actually, even for a launch title, and the blurriness, it looks pretty friggin' cool. This game is weird, and the characters and enviroments reflect that. Except Fay Soff's level- that's just...crap.

Sound=Treasure and Conspiracy managed a good job keeping the music in tune with the level. Wheter it be Demonica's horror movie level, or Spirit's final showdown tune, you know where your at.

Controls= Crazy analog controls controlling Linda and the Demon Scarf is pretty hard...but like other dual-analog games, you get used to it after a while.

Gameplay=The killer of the game for most people. You gain experience, then spend that experience to fight bosses. Which is pretty worthless if you don't have over five points to finish the bosses.

Fun=Perfect! If you learn to avoid the blurriness and stupid gameplay, this'll keep you entertained for hours or even days; just like your first Samba experiences.

Unlockables=Not Avalible. There are none.