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Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:24 pm
by Marx Chaotix
hurstshifter wrote:
ismetteren wrote:
eatcomics wrote:cold coffee is wrong, and hot coffee is right
I have actaully seen that you can buy ice-coffee ;)
I drink iced coffee like water
Umm..... this thread seems to be moving EXTREMELY off topic...

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:02 pm
by ismetteren
I was trying to emphasize that very few things are completely black and white(not even coffee temperature ;))

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:28 pm
by eatcomics
you people are messed up in the head, and I was making a point in my thread, although... This coffee thing needs to be sorted out right now, iced coffee is the devil!

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 7:19 am
by RyanPridgeon
I drew Muhammed

But then I deleted it

*awaits onslaught of Muslim terrorists*

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 8:54 am
by zeid
Well I wasn't going to throw my opinion in but that picture just supported what I had to say perfectly.

That image is by far the most bigoted/ignorant thing I have seen for a long time, congratulations. Some Muslims (for some reason this word is synonymous with terrorist in some peoples minds) believe that the depiction of Muhammad is wrong as it encourages idolatry.

However this not withstanding, the entire motivation for this day (being inspired by Southpark) and the fact that I'm sure over 90% of the pictures are derogatory in nature (see above) is the real problem as I doubt anyone is going to go worship the kind of pictures being drawn. How do you think practicing Muslims would feel if they saw your depiction of Muhammad, regardless of how strong their views where? How would you like it if someone drew you or someone you loved in such a way?

If you look back you can find racially derogatory images of the japanese during the 2nd world war. They litter comic books, newspapers and cartoons. The same can be said about many other races and groups, would you feel comfortable knowing you are contributing to that. If so then I would say you a prejudice if not, then maybe at best naive or ignorant.

You are completely entitled to your freedom of speech so go ahead and say what you want. However a good rule of thumb is if you haven't got something nice to say don't say it at all... Otherwise you just look like a dick. Then someone else will use their right to free speech and call you one.

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 4:10 pm
by XianForce
zeid wrote:Well I wasn't going to throw my opinion in but that picture just supported what I had to say perfectly.

That image is by far the most bigoted/ignorant thing I have seen for a long time, congratulations. Some Muslims (for some reason this word is synonymous with terrorist in some peoples minds) believe that the depiction of Muhammad is wrong as it encourages idolatry.

However this not withstanding, the entire motivation for this day (being inspired by Southpark) and the fact that I'm sure over 90% of the pictures are derogatory in nature (see above) is the real problem as I doubt anyone is going to go worship the kind of pictures being drawn. How do you think practicing Muslims would feel if they saw your depiction of Muhammad, regardless of how strong their views where? How would you like it if someone drew you or someone you loved in such a way?

If you look back you can find racially derogatory images of the japanese during the 2nd world war. They litter comic books, newspapers and cartoons. The same can be said about many other races and groups, would you feel comfortable knowing you are contributing to that. If so then I would say you a prejudice if not, then maybe at best naive or ignorant.

You are completely entitled to your freedom of speech so go ahead and say what you want. However a good rule of thumb is if you haven't got something nice to say don't say it at all... Otherwise you just look like a dick. Then someone else will use their right to free speech and call you one.
Agreed ^^

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:20 pm
by pritam
zeid wrote:You are completely entitled to your freedom of speech so go ahead and say what you want. However a good rule of thumb is if you haven't got something nice to say don't say it at all... Otherwise you just look like a dick. Then someone else will use their right to free speech and call you one.
I can't agree with this, if people stop saying exactly what they think regardless good or bad humanity will not make as much progress as it otherwise should. I can still respect someone and say something that they will find offensive but that is not my fucking problem, I'm not creating ghosts in their heads, they themselves are. Clash is good, it makes anything progress.

And also, yeah idolization is not a good thing but that doesn't mean people should start killing for the cause of it, it defeats the purpose entirely. islam makes me fucking sick.

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:23 pm
by xiphirx
pritam wrote: islam makes me fucking sick.
Are you talking about regular, or extremist? I think the whole view of the religion has been distorted.

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:44 pm
by pritam
xiphirx wrote:
pritam wrote: islam makes me fucking sick.
Are you talking about regular, or extremist? I think the whole view of the religion has been distorted.
I'm only talking about the religion, not people in particular, but yeah I don't really like christianity either.

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 1:07 pm
by avansc
Look, if some raghead does not like the haji pics then dont look at em.

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:00 pm
by eatcomics
Avan your blatantness may save the entire world :D

Edit: google chrome says blatantness is a word xD

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:06 pm
by avansc
I get that saying or in this case drawing inflammatory things can cause unrest and violence, but lest not tolerate people that get a bitch fit and start killing people because they are unhappy. There are many things that piss me and other people off, but normal people deal with it. whilst i don't really think drawing pictures of "prophets" are particularly funny, i think its their prerogative to do so if they please, its not effecting anyone physically. People need to stop being candy asses.

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:20 pm
by eatcomics
speaking of candy asses, how bout that orgy (the band) :D no but seriously avan, I have to completely agree with you, the problem is people have nothing better to do than to complain about other people trying to lighten something they take so seriously

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:28 am
by zeid
And also, yeah idolization is not a good thing but that doesn't mean people should start killing for the cause of it, it defeats the purpose entirely. islam makes me fucking sick.
That isn't really my problem with this event. Muhammad has been depicted as an image before, and will again. If this event was done tastefully I may have taken a very different view on it. I would still be a little skeptical, it's like giving a Jewish person or vegetarian a plate full of pork, or showing a Hindu images of dead cows. It's just bad manners and some people will get more offended then others. But you should have the right to do it (like I said, they then have the right to call you a dick).
zeid wrote:
You are completely entitled to your freedom of speech so go ahead and say what you want. However a good rule of thumb is if you haven't got something nice to say don't say it at all... Otherwise you just look like a dick. Then someone else will use their right to free speech and call you one.
I can't agree with this, if people stop saying exactly what they think regardless good or bad humanity will not make as much progress as it otherwise should. I can still respect someone and say something that they will find offensive but that is not my fucking problem, I'm not creating ghosts in their heads, they themselves are. Clash is good, it makes anything progress.
I highlight the point of me saying "a good rule of thumb". Obviously there are times when you will need to say things that may offend as you feel it will better humanity. I'm sure me calling someone out on how discriminative I found the drawing they did to be is a perfect example of that.

Why I highlighted you saying, "I can still respect someone and say something that they will find offensive" I didn't find many of these images to be anything but offensive and disrespectful. Do a quick Google search and you will see nothing but racist dribble. In what way does this benefit anyone?

My point; the people that organized this event and participated seem to think this is in some way a victory for freedom of speech. How? If anything this event has done nothing but set back relations with the Muslim community, and stifled the rights to such freedoms further in some countries in the world. What happened shortly after this event took off? Facebook/Youtube = banned. Wow congratulations people you certainly did your part to make the world a better place.

Your right in a sense the shit pot needs to be stirred in order for change to come about, and I wholeheartedly agree with you there. However whether the change will be progressive or regressive depends on how you go about things. This in my eyes as a whole, came across as nothing but a bunch of people spouting out racism and discrimination then once it was all over having a big circle jerk about how they won the fight for freedom of speech. So no I don't think people should say 'everything they think' they should consider the ramifications of their words just as they would their actions, then decide if what will result will be positive or negative to humanity/people as a whole.

That said I will acknowledge that not everyone did contribute in such a purely negative way. Some did draw images that were clearly not intended to be offensive, but open up the topic. Obviously however this event was going to progress into nothing but prejudice, and anyone who tried propagating it expecting otherwise where just being naive.

I don't think Southpark did anything wrong. If you watch Southpark you know what to expect. I think the people who took what Southpark said as an excuse to shit stir without any thought of the repercussions on the rest of the world are probably the most at fault. I'm of the belief all they did was fuel hatred towards a group of people of a particular religion and ethnicity.

To put things in perspective I have friends who aren't Muslim but get hate mail because of their decent. That's the sort of people there are in this world, people who think that's okay. I'm sure most of you wouldn't be surprised to hear that, so why would the creators of this event be surprised to find out the majority of images included cocks.

Re: Draw Muhammed Day

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:20 am
by Randi ... urn-flags/ The artist who started this
"The vitriol this 'day' has brought out, of people who only want to draw obscene images, is offensive to Muslims who did nothing to endanger our right to expression in the first place,"
I agree with her 100%
"An Al-Qaeda front organisation has offered 100,000 dollars to anyone who kills Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who has angered many Muslims by drawing highly blasphemous caricature of the prophet."
they were also burning American flags, can't blame them most of the world hates Americans, and this event isn't going to help their case either.