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Re: Falco what do you think of my website?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:46 pm
by EccentricDuck
dandymcgee wrote:
Van-B wrote:One pet peeve of mine, is when 'developer' start up a website, then have nothing on their projects page, lots and lots of nothing. Developers should have a project, THEN need a website. Making a website to hold the projects you don't yet have is ludicrous.
Guilty as charged. Not that I have no projects, but I always get distracted and have never got around to actually populating any of my sites' project pages. :roll:
GyroVorbis wrote:Steve, the site looks cool and all from what I've seen...

We are well aware of the fact that our current site is a reasting piece of shit, though. Dandymcgee has been working dilligently on our new, super secret, upgraded site for about a month now, and it is going to be pretty epic once released.
Agreed. We appreciate your trying to get members on your site, but we have a strict interview process here, so if you are interested feel free to submit a resume over in the respective forum.
I'm not going to comment on what was written by aamesxdavid above (I never read into it that way so I can't relate in full), but I think this is a bit misguided. A lot of great talent is shown through efforts like these. I'm not saying that the OP is or isn't making a great site - that's not my judgement to make as it relates to this - but someone showcasing their talent and probing for interest is an entirely legitimate way of going about things like this. Sure, IF him and the ES team were to go the way of looking at him doing site development then it could go to the interview process for a final look at things, but that's hardly what's being asked right now. Interviews are a way of getting people to tell you about themselves, and there's often a formal process because they want to find out certain things without having to approach every applicant in a novel and time-consuming way. I think that any applicant or interested party that goes out of their way to show their work off and make it available is doing other interested parties a service (as well as doing themselves a service).

Re: Falco what do you think of my website?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:12 pm
by aamesxdavid
SteveDeFacto wrote:That is exactly what my site is for, just look at the login page! Although at the moment I would not recommend it since it has such a small user base and it is not complete... My idea was to offer a frame work for other developers to assist in managing their projects and at some point I also intend to offer some type of game development SDK but I'm spending far too much time trying to get an initial user base. I need something that would make my site directly useful...
Yes, I had in fact read that as the purpose of your site, but it's fluff; just a bunch of buzz words trying to outline some abstract idea. How exactly are you planning to get this "framework" for "project management" going? Are you planning on personally providing this? It sounds like you want a bunch of people to get some conversations going to have a community of game developers answer questions and help one another out. Isn't that what's already happening here? And on Why do you want to create your own forums rather than just be a part of currently existing (and successful) ones? And why would people go to your site rather than one of those?

The SDK, on the other hand, is a great idea. But your excuse is that you are trying to get an initial user base first? Why? Again, you need something on your site before people are going to go there. You don't create a shell of a website, and then expect people to populate it and give it purpose. You create the purpose first, and then people come to your site. What part of that are you not getting?

Re: Falco what do you think of my website?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:37 pm
looks really nice, i made one for an rpg game but it's in its noob stage still..

it's the first website i have made so advice would be nice... you can leave a comment on the homepage :D

Re: Falco what do you think of my website?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:50 pm
by dbomb101
I would have to agree with aamesxdavid, that in order to build a site you should have have a focus even if it is just for learning purposes. you should look at a current site, see the problems with it and make it your job to make it better. for example there was a brilliant wallpaper site which me and my friend from university would rad all the time for the coolest wallpapers, it closed down but my mate decided to rebuild the site, he didn't just rebuild it he improved it made the images load faster added a bunch of little details to make the experience on site all the better such as scaling pictures to the size of the browser window on opening the image and then clicking on it to get the image to appear in its orginal site
here is the his new version of the site

and here is someone elses who simply duplicated the oringal

The first piece of advice I would give you try and make it a point stay away from dark colours when making a site, first it makes it somewhat harder to read and second it (and I know it going to sound somewhat ridiculous) but it makes your site seem unprofessional. also make it a point to make inspect how other site code and place things. For example at the moment your site is set to be placed onto the left and for someone like me who is using a widescreen monitor and the browser is full screen it makes it somewhat a pain in the arse to read, most other sites including the current Eyliasian Shadows site and SteveDeFacto site the pages are all centred, which makes things alot easier to look at and read. You probably know about this site already, but none the less this is site is nothing short of a god send it pretty much teaches you the basics and more importantly teaches you the standards about making a website bookmark, make it your go to site for advice that is why it exists in the first place.

Re: Falco what do you think of my website?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:58 pm
dbomb101 wrote: @WSPSNIPER
The first piece of advice I would give you try and make it a point stay away from dark colours when making a site, first it makes it somewhat harder to read and second it (and I know it going to sound somewhat ridiculous) but it makes your site seem unprofessional. also make it a point to make inspect how other site code and place things. For example at the moment your site is set to be placed onto the left and for someone like me who is using a widescreen monitor and the browser is full screen it makes it somewhat a pain in the arse to read, most other sites including the current Eyliasian Shadows site and SteveDeFacto site the pages are all centred, which makes things alot easier to look at and read. You probably know about this site already, but none the less this is site is nothing short of a god send it pretty much teaches you the basics and more importantly teaches you the standards about making a website bookmark, make it your go to site for advice that is why it exists in the first place.

thanks a lot for the advice :D... idk what colors to use :( i like dark colors lol.. i guess i'll have to play around with that.

Re: Falco what do you think of my website?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:56 am
by SteveDeFacto
dbomb101 wrote:
I like that site so much I'm going to add to my favorites! :worship:
I have to ask though where are you getting all the imagines from?

Re: Falco what do you think of my website?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:24 am
by dbomb101
Just look at other larger sites in the direction you want your site to be like

my mate created a automated program which goes on 4chan and downloads the images, then reuploads them to his site.