aamesxdavid wrote:(unfortunately, Citizen Dildo is often caught by a filter)

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aamesxdavid wrote:(unfortunately, Citizen Dildo is often caught by a filter)
aamesxdavid wrote:Wow, yeah if you fail to complete a quest, you should be able to redo it, no question. I can't imagine why this wouldn't be the case.
Glad I'm not just retarded on the markets. I'm a total gear whore, so I'm really itching to get different-looking armor, even if it's not necessarily better. Then again, I would also like to play a greater variety of classes/professions, since leveling my gladiator like crazy won't do me any good come next month.
I have a 2.5 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, Geforce GTX 460. Not the most amazing setup, but I got an 1822 on the benchmark, and as long as there aren't 100 people on my screen, it's really smooth. The full map chugs for the first few seconds, but I would guess there's some optimization that can happen there. This is with most of the settings cranked at 1920x1080.
I highly recommend the 400 series. I got mine at Best Buy for under $200, and the difference (from my 8600) is insane. I could barely run the benchmark before, but now it's really smooth.hurstshifter wrote:Cool. My rig is very similar except for the fact that your graphics card far outweighs mine. I will definitely be upgrading before launch, probably to a gtx270/280. Although I'm not entirely sure yet, will wait to see what the best deal is at the time.
Coincidentally my current card IS the 8600 (gts to be exact). So I will take your word for it. Browsing for a deal right now.aamesxdavid wrote:I highly recommend the 400 series. I got mine at Best Buy for under $200, and the difference (from my 8600) is insane. I could barely run the benchmark before, but now it's really smooth.hurstshifter wrote:Cool. My rig is very similar except for the fact that your graphics card far outweighs mine. I will definitely be upgrading before launch, probably to a gtx270/280. Although I'm not entirely sure yet, will wait to see what the best deal is at the time.
Ha, awesome. I looked around online for days, and ended up just going to the Cambridgeside Galleria. The Best Buy there has a surprisingly nice selection for reasonable prices.hurstshifter wrote:aamesxdavid wrote:Coincidentally my current card IS the 8600 (gts to be exact). So I will take your word for it. Browsing for a deal right now.
aamesxdavid wrote:Ha, awesome. I looked around online for days, and ended up just going to the Cambridgeside Galleria. The Best Buy there has a surprisingly nice selection for reasonable prices.hurstshifter wrote:aamesxdavid wrote:Coincidentally my current card IS the 8600 (gts to be exact). So I will take your word for it. Browsing for a deal right now.
Nice, you will not regret the purchase. It was quite a smooth install for me, Windows downloaded the drivers for it before I could even get the driver disc in.hurstshifter wrote:After gluing myself to reviews and articles for several hours I ended up purchasing a GTX 460 1gb off of newegg (they had the best price I could find, gotta love the Egg). Can't wait to get the card in and fire her up.
Who the hell has 6 gigs of RAM and integrated graphics??rolland wrote:I ran it on my integrate graphics chip plagued comp. (2.6 ghz dual cores, 6 gigs of ram)
It crashed.
Falco Girgis wrote:It is imperative that I can broadcast my narcissistic commit strings to the Twitter! Tweet Tweet, bitches!
lol I just got it recently. Haven't gotten around to getting a real gfx card yet.dandymcgee wrote:Who the hell has 6 gigs of RAM and integrated graphics??rolland wrote:I ran it on my integrate graphics chip plagued comp. (2.6 ghz dual cores, 6 gigs of ram)
It crashed.
loldandymcgee wrote:Who the hell has 6 gigs of RAM and integrated graphics??rolland wrote:I ran it on my integrate graphics chip plagued comp. (2.6 ghz dual cores, 6 gigs of ram)
It crashed.