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Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 10:52 am
by thejahooli
I'm only 12 so I never experienced any early games. I would have to say Pokemon Red because it was my first game and started my love of RPG's. After that I would have to say either Oblivion because of the massive amount of things to do and time I spent playing it or one of the Final Fantasy games.

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:36 pm
by thisisnotanick
Hard to judge best game. The most fun I had was in Ultima Online I think. I ran a library for several years there, those were good times..
And I brought armies of sheeps and cows to the PVP areas with my herder. Its the only game Ive played where I felt free.

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:02 am
by trufun202
thisisnotanick wrote:The most fun I had was in Ultima Online I think.
Amen brotha! I absolutely loved UO. I've played just about every other MMO, but UO was the best by far.

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:01 am
by MadPumpkin
thejahooli wrote:I'm only 12 so I never experienced any early games.
lol im 13 and the first console we owned, i played, loved, raped, et cetera, was the SNES i loved that thing more then my own parents (which honestly isn't hard) then came NES, N64. and for a long time that stuff just stuck lol. eventually i ended up playing a Sega Genesis and instantly fell in love with it. FINALLY played a Sega DC which i still love to this day, its right under GameCube on my list of consoles xD
but PC still lies closest to my heart
Josh + PC = Gay_Love;

BUT anyways the games i really loved for these consoles are:
SNES: Zelda!!!( mostly A Link to the Past ), Demons Crest, Megaman( ALL OF THEM!!!! ), Mario Bros.
NES: Zelda( the first 3 ), Duck Hunt( dont ask why ), Mario Bros.
N64: Zelda Ocarina of Time, Zelda Majora's Mask, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong Racing, RUSH, Rampage, RampageII, Tarzan, Super Mario 64.
Sega Genesis: James Pond, James Pond2, Pac-Man Adventures2, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic and Tales, Sonic the Hedgehog2, Sonic and Knuckles.
Sega DreamCast: Phantasy Star Online ep1-4, Dynamite Cop,
and some others but my fingers are getting sore lol

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:29 am
by cronjob00
Hard to say a favorite but a game I played a lot was counter strike I still play it every once in a while.

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:29 pm
by ismetteren
I think i have to say GuildWars. The first and only(so far) game where i have found a clan of very nice peopel to play with. I dont play it anymore though, since the gameplay got a bit boring after 2-3 years of playing.

Its increadible how much more fun a game can be, when you play it with other peopel. Hopes to get the same kind of experience in quakelive, and when it comes, guildwars 2 :D

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:40 am
by cplusplusnoob
hmm as a kid when i first started i liked spyro 1 and sled storm (witch no one seems to know exsists) but as of now final fantasy 1 weather it be nes psp or gba it's the definition of classic and it's still fun today. spyro was a platformer that reqired some skill and was a good challenge for a five year old while sled storm had no difficulty settings was hard and i can't get first every time today good music although i've never heard anyone outside of my immidiate family talk about it. :)

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:27 pm
by MarauderIIC
Please at least use capitalization, it'll make your posts a lot easier to read. Thanks.

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:25 pm
by cplusplusnoob
Yeah, sorry. I'll start trying to use proper grammar as much as I can and thank you for the advice and tolerance toword my nievety.

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:00 am
by eatcomics
Legen of Zelda: Ocarina of Time all the way!!!!!!! That game is were all my childhood went, and it is the reason I am the nerd I am today :mrgreen:

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:41 pm
by trufun202
Arce wrote:Of all the hundreds of games you've (hopefully) played, if you were to narrow it down to a single one or two titles, what would they be?

Also, what's your criteria when judging a game for something like this? Is it simply the best childhood memories, unforgettable gameplay, or maybe even a sub-par game that you played during a good/bad time in your life?

I'm interested, and I'll post mine once somebody else does. I'm interested to see what titles appear.
Arce, we're still waiting for your pick. ;)

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:05 pm
by ChrissyJ91
if I have to condense it down to a couple of genres its got to be final fantasy 8 for my favourite rpg (7 not far behind and the others not far behind that), adventure game wise its got to be medievil 1 a great game that I love to bits. my favourite survival horror game is a tossup between silent hill, resident evil 2 and forbidden siren with silent hill in the lead because of its sheer fun factor and almost unlimited replayability. fps wise I'm really not sure I guess it'd have to be cod 2 because of all the fun I've had on live so far dunno beyond that oh and powerstone 2 for the dreamcast; I used to have loads of fiun on that with my friends.

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:37 pm
by kostiak2
My game choice is:
  • Final Fantasy X
    Warcraft 3
    Half Life 2
    Indigo Prophecy
Simply because they all share a little element called "storytelling". For each one of those games, I felt like reading a good book while playing them (and I like good books). And as you can see, that's fully cross-genre, if the game has a good story, I stop to care about gameplay.

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:53 am
by ultimatedragoon69
My top all 3 favorite games are

Final Fantasy 3/6

Childish reason primarily.

Re: Your absolute favorite games, and why

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:05 am
by Ewan
Halo + Halo Custom Edition


Because with CE there's pretty much endless gameplay. People are creating maps all the time. You can make your own everything :mrgreen: And it's just such a classic FPS.

Also, the old Runescape. Yeah, I said OLD. Don't like any of this new stuff, it's now a boring fail of a game compared to what it used to be :nono: