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Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:24 pm
by dejai
Well it should also be apparent that one could set up a VPN (Virtual private network) that would accomplish the requirements of a lan connection yet be wide enough to encompass the members of the team no matter there location on the earth. For those that do not know that a VPN is you can think of it as LAN that has been password protect and transverses through the internet to other members of the party.

The system could be hosted on a old box and would easily handle the same problem of backing up data and would allow for the interconnection of people on the password protect VPN to other peoples "shared spaces". One can easily turn of the ability for people to download there files at the switch of a flick making the whole process a lot more reassuring for the average user.

Hamachi is one such example and allows for real time chat and file sharing. Best of all its free. Also Hamachi provides the ability to play some games on private servers e.g wow.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:47 pm
by Arce
Dejai wrote:Read the post before you post please
Arce wrote:Also, this misconception was perhaps heightened by the fact that almost nobody on the devteam live together (some aren't even in the same country) so logically we wouldn't think that you're suggesting that we dedicate a server to broadcasting to our LAN when we're not even on the same LAN; especially since there was no mention of a VPN, we've already stated that we use TortoiseSVN, and because we've recently been discussing Webhosting in other topics.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:02 pm
by Arce
For those that do not know that a VPN is you can think of it as LAN that has been password protect and transverses through the internet to other members of the party.

Listen, not to be an ass...But you make yourself out to be an arrogant prick when you insist on taking random, well known acronyms or phrases and post as though nobody has any idea what you're speaking of.

Also, the new insertion of 'obviously you'd use a VPN' into the argument (despite my already having touched on the reasoning for our not suspecting that was the idea behind your suggested LAN use) would counter your whole 'wire=secutiry' argument, as I'm sure there's nothing to, as you put it, "up" in the place of a cable when attempting to breach someone's VPN.

Also, this leads us back to our original arguments, as well as conclusion: thanks for suggestion, but not what we need.

TortoiseSVN is sufficient for what we're doing; why we'd want to go through all that trouble instead of continuing to use that or FTP (which would be faster than a VPN, I believe...don't quote me on that, though) is beyond me.

We do appreciate the suggestion, and I'm sorry if we're coming off as hostile. As mentioned above, it seems as though you're choosing to present yourself as an "I'm above you, I know this and you don't" type person when dealing with very simplistic concepts, which makes you look stupid. :cheers:

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:35 pm
by dejai
Sorry my bad, I was wrong to suggest it. Idiot idea. (OMG a person that admits there wrong on the internet. No Way!). Sorry about that shit, what was I thinking! Anyway, I should say that I use it sometimes because its convenient for a single developer to have a back up of files on another computer. I am sure you store it on an external HDD or something more practical. Lol.