First day of class

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Re: First day of class

Post by wearymemory »

K-Bal wrote:I definitely think that when someone makes fun of the death of 60 mio people, I can call him a bitch.
I never knew "Sieg Heil!" meant "Haha! 60 million people died!" But thanks for that literal translation. I'll watch my mouth next time. And how the fuck do you know what I was trying to do when I said that! Are you a witch or summat?
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Re: First day of class

Post by K-Bal »

wearymemory wrote:And how the fuck do you know what I was trying to do when I said that!
It seems like you wanted to be funny, fail.

I'm the witch, you're the bitch.
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Re: First day of class

Post by Moosader »

*butts into racial tension*
trufun202 wrote:My schedule:

- Work
- Work
- Work
- Work
- Work

...til I'm 80. :nono:
Ah, the rewards of finishing college...

Biology Lab
Advanced Computer Architecture
Numerical Analysis
& Intro to Operating Systems
x 16 weeks

then Graduation.

Then work 'til I'm 80. :[
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Re: First day of class

Post by cronjob00 »

K-Bal wrote:I definitely think that when someone makes fun of the death of 60 mio people, I can call him a bitch.
I Do not understand how Sieg Heil! is making fun of 60 million people dying since it basically means hail victory and was used far before hitler. Now if he had said heil hitler I could see you saying something but he did not.
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Re: First day of class

Post by K-Bal »

Can some mod split this off, please?
cronjob00 wrote: I Do not understand how Sieg Heil! is making fun of 60 million people dying since it basically means hail victory and was used far before hitler. Now if he had said heil hitler I could see you saying something but he did not.
You can't see words as absolute. They are always valued in some way.

To topic, my classes next semester:

- System Theory 2
- Theoretical Information Technology
- Communication Networks
- Operating Systems
- Communication Technology
- Technical Computer Science Lab
- Private Right
- Micro Economy
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Re: First day of class

Post by boom10611 »

I start the 31st
first semester of college :mrgreen:
my classes are:
-Computer Science I/Lab
-English Language Skills/Lab
-Intro to computing & problem solving/Lab
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Re: First day of class

Post by sparda »

Classes start on the 31st of August for me.

I just have this school year left, and then I graduate. Here is my schedule for the fall:

1) Assembly Language
2) Software Design w/ Lab
3) Programming Language Paradigms
4) Senior Software Project (part 1), part 2 would follow next semester.
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Re: First day of class

Post by Falco Girgis »

Damn, 2 of your 4 are exactly what Kendall is taking.
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Re: First day of class

Post by sparda »

Damn, 2 of your 4 are exactly what Kendall is taking.
Sweeeeeet! I looked back at it and noticed as well. So ah... Falco, you wouldn't mind her and I, *ahem* studying together right? Over IRC :lol:

Seriously though, out of the lot, I'm really looking forward to the assembly class. I've done it before in my leisure time, but I'm hoping to learn a few esoteric things after digging my face in some unknown assembly book. Alas, the professor would probably assign some HLA with the "art of assembly language" which I'm already familiar with. Hopefully that won't be the case.

Programming Language Paradigms is more of a tour of major languages, I've heard. Like C, Scheme, Python, Functional Languages and the like. I'm also looking forward to that, but not as much as the low-level aformentioned machine code.

The subject of the senior software project is unknown to me aside from the fact that it will deal highly with graphics, but I'm hoping for some extensive coding in that class.

And finally the software design class is a bit dismal to tell you the truth, but I'll just have to wait and see.

What about you Falco? (you too Moose, Mar, CS/CPE senior/graduates), what was you senior project like? (assuming you've taken the class already).
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Re: First day of class

Post by MarauderIIC »

Do dee do, hour and a half until my next class. Started yesterday.

CS415G Combinatorics and Graph Theory
CS416G Principles of Operations Research I (Which is really linear programming)
CS505 Intermediate Topics in Database Systems
CS335 Graphics and Multimedia
CS441G Compilers for Algorithmic Languages

Final semester (hopefully). Could have had it easy, since all I needed were 15 credit hours in no particular category, but nooooo. =)
Horrible schedule too. At least an hour between every class, three hours between the two classes I have on MWF.

sparda wrote:What about you Falco? (you too Moose, Mar, CS/CPE senior/graduates), what was you senior project like? (assuming you've taken the class already).
My group's senior project was a class vote and the class picked something retarded. It was more of a thing on the software development lifecycle. We did a fully-functional "Set game" with a deadline and we put in networking because we had time. And then she says, "Add one of these: networking, colorblind support, read-the-card-aloud support" and well, we had time and we already had networking, and the images were masks anyway, so colorblind was easy, and we were using C#, so speech was easy. Yes, we did all three instead of going "done!" because we were that awesome.

I voted for the idea of doing a rootkit that was a malware scanner, but no, we had to pick a stupid card game.
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Re: First day of class

Post by trufun202 »

We actually didn't have a senior project...and I'm kinda bummed about that. I had some cool programming projects in several of my CS classes, but nothing to really sum everything up.

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Re: First day of class

Post by Falco Girgis »

Computer engineers have to have two separate senior design projects. One dealing with software, and one with hardware. From what I've seen, the software is extremely stupid. Something about a GUI application. Not sure if they were given a specific task. I'm not really sure what our microprocessor/hardware design project has to be.
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Re: First day of class

Post by dandymcgee »

Today's my first day of class, finally got my schedule Sunday afternoon. My calc book was ridiculous.. $230.

CS113(&lab) - Intro to Programming (Visual C#)
DW101 - Strategy for Success (freshman bs)
ID101 - First Year Seminar (more bs.. community service & journal entries)
EN115 - College Writing & Research
MA201 - Calculus I (hope the hell I can figure this out without any trig experience)

Aside from learning C#, which should be interesting, my schedule is just more school for this semester.
Overall I'm having a great time thus far, I'm 1 of 3 freshmen on my floor that got the best dorm on campus. ;)
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Re: First day of class

Post by zeid »

I myself am nearly done, being the lazy boi I am I dropped down to 3 units and am stretching the last of my course out over to next year.
My units for this semester:
Introduction to 3d programming - Loving it and well ahead of everyone else in the class, I have to make sure I stop jumping ahead and do the actually assesable work
Programming Languages and Paradigms - Surprisingly interesting... I have to write a 30 page report and presentation with it on PL/1
Computer Science Methods - Easier then the other units, a bit interesting as it has coding and the theory is very applicable to efficient coding.

What I'm looking forward to next year:
Advanced 3d programming. Hardcore next gen graphics programming.
Game Enhancement. A 'mini-game' to demonstrate what you have learnt in the weeks lessons every week.
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Re: First day of class

Post by sparda »

Just finished meeting all my professors, and things are looking pretty good. Like you, zeid, I have massive technical writing in my not-too-distant future for my Programming Languages Paradigms class; which is sweet, btw 8-)

Well, as it turns out Software Design is nothing more than advanced Java, no big deal. I already dabbed at it on my free time. The only headache is that for my assembly class, the professor will not accept anything aside from Tasm or Masm code, which is a bitch no doubt. I wanted to use GNU gas, as I'm familiar with it (not to mention it is free software).

But noooo we have to choose one of these proprietary softwares, sheesh. Well, my professor does look like Dennis Richie and Ken Thompson, so I realize that he is a dinosaur in both mind and in physical appearance! Now I'll have to resort to either 1) using Masm from the MSVS 2008 bin directory or 2) torrenting Borland Tasm. And at the moment, I'm seriously considering Tasm...

Well, there is good news: at least we'll cover x86/x86_64 assembly, instead of... well, MIPS or SPARC.
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