Converts PDF/DAT/TXT to mp3 (abook).

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Chaos Rift Newbie
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Converts PDF/DAT/TXT to mp3 (abook).

Post by StealthAsimov »

If you are like me, likes to listen to conversation/speech while doing something (coding) or don't want to read a book/article/report but rather lissen to it, you can easily do so in any *nix (Ubuntu) environment.

Just copy this python script into the "" file and make it executable and move it to"/usr/bin" for system-wide use.

Code: Select all

# ###################################################
# - little script/program to convert a
# pdf-file or ascii-file (.dat, .txt) into a mp3 audio or wav file
# Copyright (C) 2010 Hannes Rennau
# Enhanced txt/pdf to mp3 conversion by Andy Holst
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# ###################################################

# you need to install the following packages:
# sudo apt-get install python poppler-utils festival festvox-rablpc16k lame espeak wavbreaker 

# 1.create a file with the name pdf2mp3 and copy the content of
#   the whole text in there
# 2.make the file an executable via:
#   >>> chmod +x pdf2mp3
# 3.copy file to /usr/bin to make usage of program possible from everywhere on your computer:
#   >>> sudo cp pdf2mp3 /usr/bin/
# 4.after that get help calling: 
#   pdf2mp3 -h
#   you want to convert yourfilename.pdf into a mp3 file, then just type:
#   pdf2mp3 -v en -f yourfilename.pdf -o yourfilename.mp3   (for the english voice 'en', 
#                                                            for german voice 'de', type:
#                                                            espeak --voices to get list
#                                                            of voices available on your system)

import os,sys
import string

def main():
    """Parses command line
    import optparse

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog -v [de,en,...] -f filename[.pdf|.txt|.dat] -o [wav|mp3] [optional: --ascii]',
    description="""This script convertes ASCII files (basically those files with extension .txt or .dat) or pdf
	files into an mp3 (or wav) audio file.""",version=r'$v0.1$')

    parser.add_option('-v','--voice', type='string',metavar='VOICENAME',     help='name of the voice to \
                      be used. type: ***espeak --voices*** to get list of available voices on your system.')
    parser.add_option('-f','--file',  type='string',metavar='SOURCEFILENAME',help='input path of file to \
                      read (and late on convert to audio file). This can be a pdf or ascii (.txt or .dat)\
                      file. extension must be given!')
    parser.add_option('-o','--output', type='string',metavar='OUTPUTFILENAME', help='Output filename (with extension\
                      .wav or .mp3 that the program knows which audio format you want.)')

    options,args = parser.parse_args()

    if options.voice is None:
        print 'no voice name given, use -v voicename [type ***espeak --voices*** for list of available voices]'
        return 2

    if options.file is None:
        print 'no input file name given [please use: -f filename]'
        return 2

    if options.output is None:
        print 'no output file name given [please use: -o outputfilename.[wav|mp3]'
        return 2

    if filename_out[-4:]!='.wav' and filename_out[-4:]!='.mp3':
        print 'please decide whether you want wav or ,p3 format by typing -o filename.wav or -o filename.mp3'
    elif filename_out[-4:]=='.wav':

    if os.path.isfile(filename_inp) and (ifwav or ifmp3): 
        if filename_inp[-4:]!='.dat' and filename_inp[-4:]!='.txt' and filename_inp[-4:]!='.pdf':
            print '*** input file does not have extension (.txt, .dat, .pdf) ***' #---
        elif filename_inp[-4:]=='.pdf':
            print 'converting pdf file: ' + filename_inp + ' to ASCII'
            if ifwav:
                convert_to_wav(filename_inp[:-4] + '.txt',filename_out,options.voice)
            elif ifmp3:
                convert_to_mp3(filename_inp[:-4] + '.txt',filename_out,options.voice)
        elif filename_inp[-4:]=='.dat' or filename_inp[-4:]=='.txt':
            if ifwav:
            elif ifmp3:

        print '*** input file does not exist ***'

    print ifmp3,ifwav
def pdf_convert_to_ascii(input_pdf_file):
    os.popen('pdftotext ' + input_pdf_file + ' ' + input_pdf_file[:-4] + '.txt')

def convert_to_wav(input_ascii_file,output_wav_file,language):
    #os.popen('cat ' + input_ascii_file +\
    # '|sed \'s/[^a-zA-Z .,!?]//g\'|text2wave -o ' + input_ascii_file[:-4] + '.wav')
    os.popen('cat ' + input_ascii_file +\
     '|sed \'s/[^a-zA-Z .,!?]//g\'|espeak -v' + language + ' -w ' + output_wav_file[:-4] + '.wav')

def convert_to_mp3(input_ascii_file,output_wav_file,language):
    os.popen('cat ' + input_ascii_file +\
	    '|sed \'s/[^a-zA-Z .,!?]//g\'|espeak -v' + language + ' --stdout | lame - ' + output_wav_file[:-4] + '.mp3')

def convert_wav_2_mp3(input_wav_file):
    os.popen('lame -f ' + input_wav_file[:-4] + '.wav ' + input_wav_file[:-4] + '.mp3')
    os.popen('rm -f ' + input_wav_file[:-4] + '.wav')

def nr_wav_files(valid_path,filename_out): # espeak creates multiple wav, how many is obtained here
    x = 0
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(valid_path):
        for f in files:
            if str.find(f,filename_out[:-4] +'.wav_')>=0:
                x = x+1
    return x

def join_wav_files(filename_out):
    join_wav=filename_out[:-4]+'.wav '
    for wav_files in range(nr_wav_files('.',filename_out)-1):
        if wav_files<9:
	    join_wav+=filename_out[:-4]+'.wav_0' + str(wav_files+1) + ' '
	    join_wav+=filename_out[:-4]+'.wav_' + str(wav_files+1) + ' '

    os.system('wavmerge -o merged.wav ' + join_wav)
    #os.system('qwavjoin ' + join_wav)
    os.system('rm -f ' + '*.wav_*')
    os.system('mv merged.wav ' + filename_out[:-4] + '.wav')

if __name__=='__main__':
    ret = main()

In a Ubuntu system, be sure to install the following packages

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install python poppler-utils festival festvox-rablpc16k lame espeak wavbreaker
Useage: "pdf2mp3 -v en -f yourfilename.pdf -o yourfilename.mp3" (for the english voice 'en', for german voice 'de', type: espeak --voices to get list of voices available on your system)

I have tested this script, works like a charm.

Last edited by StealthAsimov on Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Converts PDF/DAT/TXT to mp3 (abook).

Post by eatcomics »

Chaos Rift Newbie
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Re: Converts PDF/DAT/TXT to mp3 (abook).

Post by StealthAsimov »

I have enhanced the txt/pdf to mp3 conversion python script from the original script created by Hannes Rennau, the code of that script has been updated and is located in my first post, same usage though.

So now the mp3 conversion goes MUCH FASTER and is way SAFER then the old procedure!

Cheers! :)
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Re: Converts PDF/DAT/TXT to mp3 (abook).

Post by eatcomics »

makes me wish I used ubuntu more...
Chaos Rift Newbie
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Re: Converts PDF/DAT/TXT to mp3 (abook).

Post by StealthAsimov »

makes me wish I used ubuntu more...
Heh, any *nix (Linux, Unix, Mac) environment works, even the Cygwin, environment installed in a Windows environment works. It's not that hard to install it if you really need to have an easy way to convert txt/dat/pdf files to abooks/areports etc.
If even a Cyqwin environment seems hard to get installed and configured in a Windows environment, then just get VirtualBox, for Windows and install Ubuntu on it!

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Re: Converts PDF/DAT/TXT to mp3 (abook).

Post by eatcomics »

Nah I have ubuntu, and I used to have cygwin running fine, I just don't use them xD
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Re: Converts PDF/DAT/TXT to mp3 (abook).

Post by eatcomics »

Nah I have ubuntu, and I used to have cygwin running fine, I just don't use them xD
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